This month, as we have seen a little bit more sunshine, I think the colour that has inspired me the most is Yellow, I feel for some reason drawn to this lovely, sunny, happy, smiley colour. I have realised that I have used mellow yellow in many a makes.
Whilst I have been out walking with my pooch, there is lots of yellows at the moment with the Rapeseed flowers soaking up the sun, love to see this. Did you know that this lovely crop has been in England since the 14th century! Aptly it is also part of the mustard family. Bit of general knowledge too from this colour!
Well I'm off to do a bit of work on my 'mood blanket' (more on this later) using this pretty colour with a cuppa in my yellow tea cup, from my yellow tea pot!! Keep smiling and give a wave to any a fine fellow in yellow ;) xx