Crafty days make for much happier ways!

Hello! I document here news, events and makes. For the love of all things handmade especially; crochet, hand embroidery, sewing, patchwork and dressmaking.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Monthly offerings . . . . .

On a monthly basis I thought that I would show you what has been inspiring me.  I must warn that as I am mainly a colours kind of a gal, these monthly offerings will be all about colour!  All colours to me are lovely.  I like to put unsual colours together and mix them around, you can surprise yourself what colours actually go together. 

This month, as we have seen a little bit more sunshine, I think the colour that has inspired me the most is Yellow,  I feel for some reason drawn to this lovely, sunny, happy, smiley colour.  I have realised that I have used mellow yellow in many a makes.  

Do you agree that sometimes this little happy colour is left out of the mix?  Today I am putting this little Yellow submarine centre stage!  I have wandered around my home, garden and craft room gaining inspiration from this funky little colour, preparing little mood boards as I go . . . . . . . . 

Whilst I have been out walking with my pooch, there is lots of yellows at the moment with the Rapeseed flowers soaking up the sun, love to see this.  Did you know that this lovely crop has been in England since the 14th century! Aptly it is also part of the mustard family.  Bit of general knowledge too from this colour!  

Well I'm off to do a bit of work on my 'mood blanket' (more on this later) using this pretty colour with a cuppa in my yellow tea cup, from my yellow tea pot!!  Keep smiling and give a wave to any a fine fellow in yellow ;) xx

Out with the Old and in with the New!

At last!!! I have finally managed to get around to the re-vamping bit. Thought it was time, as I started my blog way before I actually opened my shop. My ramblings on and on were not a very interesting read.   So it is "out with the old and in with the new", as they say. Don't you just love a quirky little sayings?

Here will be my ramblings as far as all things crafty are concerned. My shop although I love it, it is my dream and I love everything in it, and making for it, however, the general day to day running of it is not that interesting!! 

There is a little bit of a change in look, a new name "Just my Cup of Tea" by Miss Millicent, because I love Tea and everything contained in my blog will be "just my cup of tea" and also more importantly yours too. So for all you little craft bugs out there, my new blog will be based upon my re-vamped craft room at home, when the lights at Miss Millicent are dimmed (my work is never done - ahhh).  I return to what I have always known and that is making for home!   Being fully committed to the cause of crafting, I will document what I get up to and my makes.  Hopefully my ramblings will read a little more interesting. I hope!